
implusive writing

01年第一屆女兒戲,Split Britches來了香港,我當時人在倫敦,竟然很衝動地老遠跑回來為的只是去上她們一天的寫作工作坊。憨居其次,物有所值也。


工作坊的主題是implusive writing --以特定的主題,在特定的時間(如3分鐘),隨意寫,不要多想,想到什麼寫什麼,不停寫,係0甘寫,唔準停!的確是筆尖動得比腦筋還要快,就最好不過了。


18-3-01 workshop. implusive writing

[writing in five minutes: My name is xxx. When I was a little girl…]
My name is Ivy. When I was a little girl I made a wish. I wish everyday be sunny and beautiful so that I could always walk my dog anytime I wanted to. But then I began to love cats more, and started to eat grapes instead of oranges. I no longer wish a sunny day because I have got something more important to accomplish, that is, to taste color. Black cats. White cats. Cats in stripe. I dyed cats’ hair. Cats that I owned. I dyed cats like the way my mom dyed my hair. Beauty. Youth. Sunny spell. A cast is spelt. I dyed my mom;s hair. She sat in front of me with her head barely hairy. I brushed the due on. Black. It’s getting dark now. I wish I were alone I no longer wish things that I wanted in the past. I don’t want anything. I don’t want nothing. To want is a vanity. What does a girl want I wonder.

[the most beautiful performance]
in a palace. Dressing like Queen Elizabeth in stern steps walking on a red carpet, leading to my seat. Crowned. Everybody is silent standing by the sides. I am looking at the one I love among them. She is naked. Suddenly I am naked, beautifully naked. I am walking towards my royal seat. Naked. Body shinning, glittering with starlight.

[the most horrible performance]
in a palace. Red carpet. Everybody is standing by the sides. Me dressing in leather bikini, killing rabbits one by one as I walk towards the center. Slashed their necks. Bolld on their skins. I started to make dreads from my hair, take out an electric guitar, and play loud. Someone starts to put heavy make-up for me. When it’s finished, I burnt my guitar and my wabbits.

Keep kissing non-stop
Keep hugging non-stop
Hear nothing anymore
Performing with Split Britches
Read a poem loudly
Play a song of flute
Read my poem loudly
Take a flight everyday
Go Vienna
Meet a stranger and kiss
Kill my mom
Kill myself
Write down all my dreams/ nightmare and make them into movies
Print my own currency
Write a book
Make everybody likes me
Tattoo every year

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九方嘛~教vma時學家嘛 :p