



我以為這種「嫌棄人落後」的思想,本身已很落後,十多廿年前唱著「We are the World」的時候早被國際社會的論述所唾棄。如今,這種思想出現在一所國際學校負責文化交流的教育工作者口中,實教人不寒而慄。現冒死貼出*小量*選段,奇文共賞。

…We enjoyed the magnificent view until lunch time. I must say, the view was what I have enjoyed the most - I could just imagine the early colonialists with their coffee plantations on the hill tops sipping iced tea as the sun went down in the evenings…

…We drove back to the school and began putting the bricks in place to make the walls. You might be interested to know that each small school room will hold 40 students! I can't imagine!...

…The entire village came out to greet us. The men did a fierce war dance with spears, and for a moment or two, I wasn't sure if we were going to be the next course on the lunch menu or not…

…They cook inside - a porridge gruel, milk, urine, and cow's blood! Hmmm! I don't think it'll catch on in Hong Kong or China…


