

I have decided to start this book, Veronika Decides to Die, to unwind myself. I want to finish it before X'mas, then I can get refreshed so as to move on to the translation of E-Run's new script!

Written by Paulo Coelho, the book is about "collective madness [which] is called sanity". aiya... I recall from my heart the heartful young people now fighting for the Pier...

Coelho has written something about BITTERNESS in the story:

Certain people, in their eagerness to construct a world which no external threat can penetrate, build exaggeratedly high defenses against the outside world, against new people, new places, different experiences, and leave their inner world stripped bare. It is there that Bitterness begins its irrevocable work.

Am I embittered?

I hope not!

1 則留言:

carolbeings 說...

I think you have already read this great work for a long time !?<

enjoy it